Individual massage by Touch

Everyone needs time out, an hour for him- or herself. Touch masseurs have considerable experience in providing good, deep massages for stress release. You are in good hands!

Touch does not have its own centre or ‘salon’: it acts as an ‘exchange’ to put masseurs and customers in contact with each other. The masseurs work from their homes, where they must have facilities befitting a professional practice. Everyone speaks enough English to be able to welcome you properly. Most masseurs (m/f) are in the Amsterdam/Almere region, but you’ll note that we have one masseur in Deventer, too.

A one-hour massage costs € 55.00 and 1½ hours is € 73.00. These prices include sales tax (BTW) at 21%. In the case of therapy (e.g. Shiatsu), different conditions and rates may apply. You can always enquire about this completely without obligation.

We specialize in:

Individual massage

This present page concerns the individual massage that Touch offers


If you live in the Netherlands we can organize a small-scale course for you in English, as we do in Dutch. Click here to learn more about the course, which can be held in Amsterdam or Deventer.